The smell of rotting fruit.
Waking up a grumpy husband at 1 am so he can help you clean the garbage can because he did not take said garbage out and you didn't notice until now and the fruit rotted and now there are maggots.
When grumpy husband says "never wake me up again at 1 am," the logical response is "take the trash out when I ask you to," right?
Perhaps our marriage counselor should have invited us back in one week instead of two...
I was so angry. He deserved to be woken up at 1 am to help me bleach/hose out the trash!
That's that.
More Dexter, then sleeps.
I bet Dexter never has maggot problems.
One internet picture, just for fun. I made my blog prettier so I don't want to hear whining about how I never post pictures. This is about me, not you.

Admit it, you just let out an audible "awwwww."
I want a baby elephant so bad. Can I have a job where I get to chill with elephants all day?
Seriously, amazing animals.
Does anyone remember the Duck Tales movie where they find a magic lamp and Webbigail (Webby!!) asks the genie for a baby elephant???
Yeah, this obsession has been with me that long.
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