Just watched the "Lost" finale. Cried like a baby. I actually liked the way it ended. Of course everyone is saying it sucked, but they'll get over it. How do you end a show that epic without it being kind of a letdown??
I am a huuuuuuuuge nerd btw. I might be the only girl on the planet who knows what Cthulu is. Also I watch Star Trek. And I like it.
I snuggled up on my dog a bunch. We were only gone 18 hours but I really really miss her. It is strange not having a little warm spot at the end of the bed.
I am feeling absolutely horrible about myself lately. I'm stuck in one of those periods where I just want to hide myself away from society. Cass suggested I wear a paper bag over my head. I told him he wasn't helping.
Seriously though, what is it about this world that makes women feel worthless if they are not the prettiest girl in the room? I don't like feeling worthless. Who does?
It is a self-perpetuating cycle too, because when you feel ugly you pick on yourself constantly, pointing out all your flaws, which just makes you feel uglier.
Cassidy's sister Kelsey told me I had "pretty eyeballs." She also told me that she didn't think I was pretty at Christmas, but "now I see it." Then quickly added, "well, you aren't model pretty."
She has NO internal filter. She just says things. At least she is honest.
On the bright side, my house is pretty clean and I have been staying caught up with summer school (I only have one class, heh). Also, one of my erroneous grades has been fixed. From an F to a B. Yay! I can't wait for June. I will finally have some time to read something I want to read, instead of what I must read.
I also have to get a job stat. I think I am going to break down and hit the mall. :(.
Sup, Tucson Mall? Its been a minute. Remember when I worked at you? For 6 years?
Night night Tucson, I still love you.
Pssh, girl, you're not even close to a tenth of a percent of the only nerd girl to like Cthulu and enjoy the trek. Just sayin, the bubble is bigger.
Also you're beautiful. I know you're not fishing for compliments, but I think you need to be told. If you want to help feel pretty for yourself, maybe do something girly like get a hair cut or your nails done. I know the advice sounds really superficial and going against the movement, but these activities really do feel nice.
I need to get a hair cut and a manicure stat. Also, I think I am going to start wearing makeup everyday. It is amazing how awesome just putting on some mascara can make you feel.
Thanks for advice!
PS I know there are a ton of nerd girls out there, but the one I knew MOVED AWAY so I am all alone now.
PSS I didn't say I liked Cthulu, just that I knew what it was. I am actually not a huge Lovecraft fan :/
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