Sunday, June 6, 2010

Do androids dream of electric sheep?

After a long, well-spent day lounging, working out, and cleaning, I finally sat down to watch TV. I turned it on, and without even changing the channel, realized that Blade Runner was on. WHAT LUCK!! It had just started too.

The name Rutger Hauer is just so...German. But does anyone else have trouble picturing Sean Young as anything but the transsexual from Ace Ventura?? Me too. Daryl Hannah is way hot as Pris though.

Harrison Ford will always always be Indiana Jones to me. My hero is Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. On an embarrassing note, Indiana Jones is the reason why I always liked history so much.

I have been having strange, vivid dreams lately. The other night it was all about cockroaches. I almost killed myself. I woke up curled up tight with my toes bent inwards.

In other suicidal news, I paid $17 for four (4!!!!) razor cartridges today. I wanted to slit my wrist with them. That is outrageous.

My computer keeps doing this weird flickering thing at the top. I think it is mad at me. I keep dropping it :(

Tomorrow is my momma's birthday. I got her a funny card. It is an old far side cartoon of a bunch of people behind a desk that says "urology department." All of the people are cracking up as one of them is on the phone saying "Can you hold?" I laughed in the aisle at Target for about 2 minutes. God, I love puns.
She is supposed to move back to AZ soon. I hope I hope.

I have a ton of good ideas for blog posts, but I always just end up talking about myself.

Whatever, I'm interesting enough.

Also, in case you were wondering, this is what happens when history nerds (myself included) get drunk:

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